Post 2: Why did you choose this career/study programme?

 Since I was child I like to help other people when they have problems and give them containmet, but I never had a specific dream respect some career or job, but what I did know was that I liked to interact with different people.

In the high school my other options to study was Midwifery and Odontology. But I decided to study Psychology because when I was growing up like a teenager I became interested in mental health and the reasons why we act in differents ways and the mental processes, besides is a very integrative career because integrates the social area and the scientific area.

My university experience has been very something different, because of the phandemic context I have online classes but I liked so much my career and the different contents, and I really like my classmates, they are very nice persons, and my teachers are very good professionals with a lot of vocation.

In the future, I would like to work in the public health or in a social organizations to help sexual minorities.


  1. I also study psychology. I agree with you that the course mixes scientific and humanistic subjects. I hope we can work in public health someday .

  2. hi jael! like you one of the reasons for studying psychology and not another career was my interest in knowing why we act the way we do.

  3. The same hapenned to me when I was a child, I never thought finish in a social science career! Regards

  4. Hi Jael, how great that you have a vocation for your career since you were so young, for sure you will be a great professional. I hope you can have your dream job c:


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