Post 3: Mental health Problems related to a lockdown

In today's confinement I have felt alone, I have had moments of great anxiety, sorrow, hopelessness and anguish, and I consider it normal knowing everything that is happeninghas been very dificult for each of us.

In my point of view, I think in order to cope with this confinement, you can share mare with whoever is with you at home, try to make exercise, go for a walk in the way is alloweed, cook new things, learn about makeup, drawing, writing my thoughts, or  at least that has served me.

I believe that the pandemic has been a great blow to the lives of all the people in the world, it has affected in different ways and magnitudes, but I believe that with this pandemic we must come out more united as a society and learn to value more the things that we did not value and we had before the pandemic

After the pandemic ends, I would like to go to face-to-face classes, share a lot with my friends, visit people that I have not been able to see, know the north of Chile if I have money, and go to the “Blondie” disco haha. In general share with other people and seize the moments of my life.

My pictures are of good moments that I have had in the confinement in my house of course, and on the balcony.


  1. Aww Jael I knoww this has been so hard for all of us :( Ayway you looook so good and beautiful in your pictures! I hope you could do everything that you wish when the pandemic ends <3

  2. When this situation ends, we are gonna dance amiga date cuenta

  3. I hope the pandemic ends quickly, and we can get to know each other, love your photos!

  4. Hi Jael, I understand you perfectly and I liked your photos

  5. Hi Jael, I hope you are fine u.u <3
    I really liked your reflection

  6. Hiii!!! It's sad but I also feel like that unu
    You can talk to me when you feel bad uwu <3

  7. Hello, It is true that this pandemic has been very difficult for everyone, I hope you find peace of mind and everything improves.

  8. Hi jael, I feel the same as you, cheer up!! everything will be fine<3

  9. Hi sweet, ohh, I understand you :C this situation it's complicated but I hope that you be fine, I hope meeting you
    someday u.u


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