POSTING 2: The best holidays ever

 My best holiday was in July of 2019, almost two years ago. My mom and I went to Concepción and Talcahuano on winter holidays, We stayed in our cousin's house that lives in the center of Concepción, and we spent about a 4-5 days there. We went to different places, like Ecuador Park, the University of Concepción, the port of Talcahuano. We also met the city of Talcahuano, that is very beauty and it has a hills full of houses, something similar to Valparaiso, someday I would like to live in a house like that, but at the same time scares me in a case of an earthquake.

The best thing that happened was that I got to meet a friend that I only knew on the internet, and she meets my mom also and was very funny and we get along very well, we took pictures, we go to the beach, the different parks, the mall, etc, and that was very greatful for me! I would like to repeat moments like that. Concepción for me is a very beautiful city, has a very great people, and has very alternative enviroments, and I love the fact that has beach and the sea nearby. I would like to live there!


  1. i want know Concepcion, maybe we go travel together :o

  2. What a good vacation, I had a similar one. and I would very much like to be able to relive them. I hope you can revive them

  3. Hi Jael! Concepción is very beautiful, I also got to know the University and it is super big!

  4. Hello Jael, I think Concepción is a very nice city. I'm glad you had a great time

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. woooah beautiful story with your friend, I'm in Concepcion now, it's a beautiful place!

  7. I think it's great that you met your friend

  8. Hi Jael, I hope you can repeat this experience, Concepcion sounds pretty, I would like visit there one day

  9. Good. There are some problems with the use of past tense verbs, for instance: she met my mom. Also, you should say we went to Talcahuano not met Talcahuano. Some expressions like that is a beauty and I'm grateful of this time....


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