Post 5: My future job

I would like to work in a foundation that supports LGBT + people, especially trans people, helping them with their mental health and better coping with their circumstances, because I think that the trans people and LGBT+ in general needs support and company, a lot of times is very dificult in this society don't be cis straight. I imagine myself working in the OTD foundation that does what I mentioned above, giving company therapy and speaking with the family of the people to give information about it and supporting them. I would like to earn the enought money to live in calm and to can pay a house and sometimes travel, but for me is not necessary to have so much money and material things.

At the beginning, I would like to work in my country, but later on I think it would be good to work in other countries. For me, it would be very gratifying to travel and meet LGBT + people from different parts of the world. 

Community social psychology is the area that interests me the most and I would like to specialize in this, however I am not closing myself to the possibility of learning differently and focusing on different areas of psychology because for me all the áreas are very interesting, but for the moment my favorite is Social Psychology because I think that I can be closer with people that I want to help and support and I could give them more tools to resolve their problems.


  1. Jaael I think you will be a great professional! I hope you can reach all your objectives !!

  2. I hope you can get your future job! I see a lot of passion for your professional career!

  3. bby!! I think that working with a foundation that supports LGBT + people is an incredible and very necessary idea!!! xoxo

  4. Good work. Sone corrections:
    enough not enought
    and can pay (not to can..)
    learning different ( not differently)


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