Post 6: Postgraduate studies

  I think the main reason to study a postgraduate degree is to learn about a particular knowledge of the differentes careers and study areas. At the same time, when you have some postgraduate degree is easier to have a better job, because in the differents areas of jobs the directors look for someone with more knowledge and studies, unfortunately, I say unfortunalety because I think that It should be quicker and easier access to job, besides, make a degree isn't easy, specially when you are someone with low resources and withouth money.

I would like to study about gender, I think that gender is one of the topics more relevants today, and it is one of the topics that I most like and interest.  At the same line of the gender, I wish to study about feminism, transfeminism, sexual dissent, etc. I think that is neccesary acquire more knowledge about these issues that are in the voices of many people today, and me as a trans woman with so much passion in the area of gender, sexualiy and diversity, I think that would be very cool study more about it and make a degree with these topics <3. Also, I would like to study in Chile in the first instance, but I wish to study about gender and prostitution in Holland, for me is a very interesting place to analyze this situation. For me would be great study part-time, to have time to work and save money to can pay my degree if is necessary, and also if is necessary to can pay my trip abroad hehe (If only... I wish!).

The last thing I want to say is that a degree doesn't define your as a person, Although it is good to study and it gives many more stable job opportunities, it is important to note that we are more than a degree and we are all capable of meeting our personal goals in life <3.


  1. i agree with you, this topic its very important and more professionals with this perspective are lacking.

  2. What a good reflection Jael! it's true, a title doesn't define you <3

  3. hiiiiii I like the idea of focusing on the genre, it is something very necessary today. xoxo


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