Post 8: English Language Challenges

 Hii everyone, first at all I want to say that personally I like to learn english, is very important these days know at least a few of the language. Saying this, my experience learning english at university has been fine, not excelent, but I feel that it is because the pandemic and the online classes, also is very difficult keep motivation of the study because we are in a very hard situation today, and I think is normal lost motivation and the focus of the study.

For me the  use of blogs has been funny, I like to write and express my ideas and I feel that is a good hand to learn english, in my personal experience, also in the blogs I show something of my life to my classmates and for me is very nice the fact that my classmates know things about me and also I can know things about them. 💕

I would like to practice more my pronunciation in English and I want to perfect my writing, at the same time being able to speak more fluenty in English to express myself with people who speak the language, it would be very great for me.

In my personal life I almost don’t speak in english, because in my family everyone speaks just spanish, and sometimes with my friends we use “spanglish” or some common english expressions in the chat as “btw” “periodt” “tbh”. I would like to know more people that speaks in english to learn more things, especially pronunciation. 


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