Post 3: My favorite piece of technology

 My laptop

I used my laptop since I'd 4 years ago when my gradfather bought it for me. I use my laptop to watch series, study, go to my online classes, play videogames, listen to music and check my social networks, is a huge entertaiment for me.
Every day I use my laptop because I have to study, read, or make homeworks almost every day, so I use a lot of hours at day.
I like my laptop because is very useful tool, I can do many things with it, specially in this context in wich I have to do many things online, for example the class or some formalities.
My life without my laptop I think that would be a little bit off, I'd not have so much social life or I couldn't go to my online classes, so I think that is very neccesary my laptop in this moment.


  1. Hi Jael! I think that in this context a laptop or a computer are essential reagents. I liked your post!

  2. Hi!, laptop are very useful for online classes, I don't know what I'd do without mine!

  3. Hi! the laptop is an excellent tool for everyday life. Especially now with the online classes :D

  4. I like to use the computer and I think it is a very useful device!!


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