A country I would like to visit

 The country that I would like to to visit is Holland, specifically Amsterdam. Because I think that is a very beautiful place, with so much colorful buildings, I also love the river that crosses the whole city as well, there is a lot of beautiful nature in that place, like beautiful flowers and trees around the all city. Something interesting that I know about Amsterdam it has “Red Light District” where the prostitution is legal, something that doesn’t exist in any other country in the world. I would like to study, work and live there even for some time or a couple of years, because I would like to learn more about the Dutch culture, the  Dutch history, the society, How does mental health get there, etc. Also, I have two relatives who lives in Amsterdam, Holland Since 8 years ago, and they said me that I can live with them If I can get study there, and for me that's sounds be very cool!


  1. wooooooooah how lucky to have relatives in Holland, I agree that Holland is a beautiful country, if you ever go please send me a picture!!!!

  2. wow! I always watch videos about Amsterdam and it really is a wonderful place and its landscapes are beautiful!

  3. I love this place, the city its so beautifull and also you can visit very nice nearby places full of flowers and mills. I hope that you can go one day!

  4. Good. However, in the last lane you should say they live in Amsterdam for 8 years or the moved there 8 years ago. Check the use of the verbs say and tell... they told me (should say)


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